
Is Your Screen Time Impacting Your Productivity? Three Ways to Put Down Your Phone…and Get More Done

Is your screen time reducing your productivity?

Your smartphone is your lifeline. From using it to call and text, shop online, connect with others on social media and find hiring support in Las Vegas — just to name a few of its vast uses — you’re never without it.

The only problem is, having the world at your fingertips can be seriously distracting at work. You definitely feel like your productivity is on the decline, because you’re constantly checking your phone. Here’s some advice to help loosen your grip on your device, so you can finally enjoy a good day’s work again.

3 Tips to Reduce Your Screen Time and Increase Your Productivity

Temporarily Disable Notifications

If your phone dings when you receive a new message, it’s inevitable you’re going to check it. Even if you read the message and quickly respond, this is a problem, because it breaks your concentration. It’s also possible you don’t have the sound on, but you can see updates — i.e., new emails, text messages, push notifications from your favorite apps — flash on the screen.

Solve this by putting your phone on ‘do not disturb’ mode. This will temporarily halt the notifications hindering your productivity, so your phone stops calling out to you every two minutes.

Download a Digital Wellbeing App

Chances are, you’re spending more time each day staring at your smartphone than you realize. Monitoring your screen time can serve as a wake-up call that can help you develop better habits. If you don’t already have a digital wellbeing app installed on your phone, download one to keep track of the amount of time you’re spending browsing the web and using your favorite apps.

Turn Your Phone Off

If you don’t need it for work, consider powering your phone down to boost productivity. This can be a great idea if simply disabling notifications and putting it out of sight — i.e., in a drawer or on the other side of the room — isn’t enough. While you might initially be a bit lost without your phone, you’ll likely grow to enjoy not feeling so tethered to it.

Hire Right, Every Time

Need a little help finding the best person for the job? Pride Staff Las Vegas is here to take the stress out of the hiring process. Contact us today to discuss a partnership!
