
Cultivating a Productive Week with Effective Preparation

Being productive requires a lot of work behind the scenes. If you’re tired of ending the work week feeling like you could’ve done more, it’s time to start doing some prep work.

Taking a few steps to prepare on Friday afternoon, the weekend, or Monday morning can make a world of difference. Reviewing what you have in store for the week ahead and accomplishing a few key tasks can allow you to have a successful week ahead. Here are four tips to get you started.

Create a Weekly Plan

Set aside a time each week — i.e., Sunday nights — to plan for the week ahead. Use this time to make a list of tasks to complete this week, prioritize them, and set goals. Having a game plan will allow you go into the week knowing exactly what you need to accomplish. Creating structure is key, because without it, you can easily veer off course.

Schedule Your Calendar

Going into the week with a game plan is important, but you also need time to accomplish it. Sit down with your calendar and block out time to complete the tasks on your list. This will ensure outside noise — i.e., last-minute meetings — won’t keep you from having the productive week you planned.

Leave Blank Spaces

There’s no way to predict everything that will happen in the week ahead. Creating space for new tasks, meetings, and appointments is a must because it can help you avoid disruptions to your weekly plan. If you don’t end up using this extra time, you’ll find a way to use it well.

Meal Prep

Chances are, your work nights tend to be busy. This might make dinner preparations a struggle, causing you to eat out more than you’d like. Scheduling time to meal prep on the weekends can make a huge difference, as dinner will already be ready and waiting. This will allow you to save time and money while eating healthier, which will serve as a win in its own right.

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